French Holiday & Travel

Information for visitors to France


Your French Holiday, Hosted by



Romance Language of 128 Million
An invaluable resource for anyone planning to visit France with over 100 sections taking you from basic French phrases with pronunciation guides, through grammar and language structure to colloquial expressions and abbreviations.

French Holiday

Travel in France - Visit Paris In spring time, when the air is filled with the scent of blossom, Cote D'Azure where summer is long and lazy and never too hot. As Christmas draws closer, the markets are selling crèpes, hot chestnuts, mulled wine, fresh truffles, and foie gras so prized by epicures the world over. See the many châteaux that make up the architectural heritage of France. Prehistoric man, the Gauls, the Romans, the Franks all came here and settled, come and find a past that still lives on today. A holiday in France will be one of the most rewarding and exhilarating experiences.

Our aim is to help you in preparing for your holiday in france with useful hints and tips about the country and people of France, the documentation you will need and some useful phrases to ease your way. We hope to provide some insight into rules and regulations so that you will gain the most from your holiday. We will arm you with the information that it is only wise for visitors to France to know. To this end we have brought together some useful facts and information to ensure your well earned vacation in France begins as you would expect the perfect break to begin and sends you home feeling relaxed, refreshed and with wondrous memories you will treasure forever.

This information is not written in any particular order of importance, each category is all important in its own right and there's quite a lot of it to take in at one time so please bookmark this page for future reference.