French Holiday & Travel

Information for visitors to France


Your French Holiday, Hosted by

Public and School Holidays in France

French Public Holidays
Information about :-
•   Documentation for visiting France
•   Health Care - Insurance - Emergencies - Pharmacies
•   Driving in France - Road Signs - Priorité è droite
•   Phone & Fax - Mobile Phones - Internet - Post
•   Customs & Excise - Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs
•   Public Holidays - School Holidays
•   Electricity - Drinking Water
•   Climate & Temperature
•   Demographics - Measurement
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French Public Holidays

    France has 11 public holidays.

1st January,

1st May,

8th May,

Easter Monday,

Ascension day,

Whit Monday,

14th July,

15th August,

1st November,

11th November,

25th December.

    On these days Government Departments and banks are closed, shops are, in the main, closed.

School Holidays in France

One week at the end of October, two weeks at Christmas, two more in February, two in spring, and the summer holiday in July and August. Note that dates can vary slightly by department.

Please be aware that roads and tourist sites are busier during these periods.



Romance Language of 128 Million
3 volume PDF E-Book with over 100 sections taking you from basic French phrases, through grammar and language structure to colloquial expressions, abbreviations and slang.

An invaluable resource for anyone planning to visit France.